Tuesday 8 April 2014


This month belong to ' Captain America ' as we can see from the collections of this huge blockbuster of this year after this past weekend, the movie helmet might as well stand for "April" Captain America: The Winter Soldier" set a new opening-weekend record for the month of April with estimated $300 million worldwide. It is not end yet it has enough knock 2011's "Fast and Furious Five" from pole position, but it was a 48% improvement over the launch of " Captain America:The First Avenger" the same year.From this we can also understand the up rising of this movie.
This movie is the sequel, which features the World War 2-era hero battling bad guys in modern day, benefited from what many observers are calling " The Avengers ' bounce. Ever since " Iron Man " kicked off the Cinematic Universe if 2008. All built towards the massive team-up film " Marvel's The Avengers," which is now the third-biggest movie ever.
The film balance an interesting story (one of the best stories Marvel's told) and the big budget actions comic book fans are accustomed to these days. There,s a story that focuses on Cap being on the run from S.H.I.E.L.D and it isn't just filler in between shield tosses and gun battles, it's interesting espionage story with different threads of the Marvel universe woven in. The man-on-run organization plot isn't new. It is a classic Bond tale, but it is also not the type of story we get in our comic book moves.


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